The Publisher Mobile App: Great Content is All Around You!

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Great content is all around you! Everyday there are moments that make for great content that we can use to reach and engage our audience. Photos of new products, events, current projects, finished products and even pictures of your amazing staff all make for great photos. To help you capture and curate those great content moments, we have developed the Publisher mobile app.

We developed the Publisher mobile app because adding visuals to your content marketing strategy is an easy way to add fresh and original content to your website, blog, email newsletters and digital platforms. The app makes it easy to say less with more while making a huge impact.

So how does the Publisher mobile app work?

  • Visit the App Store to install to your phone
  • Take a photo with the Publisher mobile app (or select a photo from  your library) and include a short message
  • Click Post!
  • The Publisher mobile app is configured with your account so all photos taken with the app are integrated with your dashboard and saved
  • The app can handle multiple users
  • You only have to set up your Publisher mobile app account once
  • You can connect to as many platforms as you would like to
  • You can publish your photos immediately or save for future use
  • Set the app to the default setting ‘pending’ to save photos in your drafts until they are approved 

The largest benefit to using the Publisher mobile app is that sharing and integrating your photos with all platforms is easy, which means sustaining an integrated marketing strategy is very manageable for you and your team. Also, like your other content created or curated with ContentMX you can view the reports to see how your customers are engaging with your photos.

The app is now available for download in the Apple Store or Google Play. The app can be used on iPhones and Androids (iPads and tablets).

For more information about the Publisher mobile app, visit our Release Notes section.