PowerBI Reports

Last updated: August 13, 2021

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Weekly Digest and Partner Communications Summary

This report provides statistics associated with the weekly email digest mailings and other email communications that are sent to platform users over the selected time period. This includes common email metrics such as Delivered, Opened, Clicked, and Bounced.

Recipients – This is the total number of users from active accounts to whom the email is being sent.
Delivered – This is the number of users who should have received the email.
Opens – This is the number of unique users who we are able to detect as having opened the email.
Clicks – The number of unique users clicking on a link in the email.
Dropped – These users have previously bounced and will not receive additional email
Bounced – This is the number of user emails that have bounced and were not delivered.
Unsubscribed – This is the number of users that have opted-out and do not want to receive further emails.
Spam – This is the number of spam complaints received for the mailing.

Weekly Digest and Partner Communications Growth

This chart shows how mailing metrics related to the weekly email digests trend over the selected time period.

Recipients – This is the total number of users from active accounts to whom the email is being sent.
Delivered – This is the number of users who should have received the email.
Opens – This is the number of unique users who we are able to detect as having opened the email.
Clicks – The number of unique users clicking on a link in the email.
Dropped – These users have previously bounced and will not receive additional email
Bounced – This is the number of user emails that have bounced and were not delivered.
Unsubscribed – This is the number of users that have opted-out and do not want to receive further emails.
Spam – This is the number of spam complaints received for the mailing.

Account Detail: Partner Activity in Weekly Digests

This report shows the activity generated by each account user that has received the weekly email digest over the selected time period. Expand the account row to see the list of links that have been clicked by each user.

Account Detail: Popular Links in Weekly Digests

This report shows the activity generated on each link or content item by each account user that has received the weekly email digest over the selected time period. Expand the content title or URL to see the list of account users that have clicked on that item.

Overview of Available Reports

Activity Summary

This is an executive summary of account and content activity over the selected period and within the selected instance and channels. This is a great way to determine the level of activity being generated by accounts and the content they publish, expressed in a way that is easily understood. The statistics showing the average activity per account lets you compare the relative performance between one channel and another.

Active Partner Growth

A month by month look at the progression of accounts that have been active in the last six months to those that are active with the last 3 months. You can filter the accounts by channel to see how partner growth is occurring in relation to these channels. You can also see the number of accounts added each month (regardless of what channel is selected).

This report plots multiple statistics that are generated from the publishing of content over the period of months and channel(s) that you select.

This report plots activity on published content from one or more campaigns over the selected period. Only activity for content associated with the campaign(s) will be included.

This plots monthly activity occurring within the platform as users access and view the information presented in channels, campaigns, and weekly content through the dashboard. This includes clicking on links, viewing videos, previewing content, etc.

This plots monthly activity occurring within the platform as account users login and publish content that is not associated with any specific channel or campaign.

Program Adoption

This is a three month review of activity and a fiscal year over year comparison of this activity.

This is a month by month review of activity generated by published content from the selected channel(s) over the selected period. This report also includes month over month growth percentages for each statistic.

This report is focused on the performance of particular channels in a given month. In particular, this report features the number of Active Campaigns. This is the number of campaigns that have been accessed by partners during the month.

Active Campaigns

This report displays the number of campaigns that partners have been assigned over the selected period and channel, and it shows the number of unique, active partners that have been assigned to these campaigns.

Content Activity by Product

The channels are tagged and categorized by Product Area. This report shows the performance within each product area over the selected range of months for comparison purposes.

This report looks at the utilization of content within each channel, indicating the percentage of content items that are being selected of the total available. It also indicates the number of accounts that have selected each channel.

This report looks at the utilization of content within each product area. It also indicates how many partners are selecting channels within these product areas, along with a breakdown of how many accounts are selecting channels in each product area.

This report displays activity by month for the selected channels. Use this report to compare content usage across multiple channels over the same period.

This report lists all (or a selected portion) of the campaigns and groups the activity associated with each. You can use this report to see how many accounts are currently assigned to each campaign and to determine what campaigns are performing well, and which are most popular.

This report groups the activity related to the individual, selected episodes of a campaign and channel. You can use this report determine which episodes are performing better than others.

You can use this report to view the performance of individual content items from a channel, theme, and/or episode. Use the column headers to sort the results to find the content most often posted by partners or most clicked by customers.

This report compares the activity across multiple instances (collections of partners) within a given month.

Content items can be tagged to associated them with different content categories. This report will group the activity generated by published items that share the same item tags and display the totals.

Use this report to see the breakdown of countries that partners selected when they signed up. The map illustrates the countries associated with the most number of partners.

Unused Content

This report displays content items that have not been published or downloaded in the last 12 months. The list can be filtered by channel, campaign or episode.

Partner Growth

A month by month look at the progression of accounts that have been licensed, launched, active and engaged. You can filter the accounts by channel to see how partner growth is occurring in relation to these channels. You can also see the number of accounts added each month (regardless of what channel is selected).

Channel Engagement

This report compares the amount of unique content being published or downloaded from selected channels over the selected time period.

Channel Engagement by Month

This report shows the amount of unique content being published or downloaded from selected channels within each selected month. Use this report to compare the utilization of content over time.

Channel Assignment by Month

This plots the number of accounts assigned to selected channels over the selected time period.

New Channel Assignment by Month

This report plots the number channel assignments occurring across or within specific channels. A channel assignment occurs when an account is advanced within or between episodes of a channel to see a new week of content.

Accounts Selecting Channels

This report plots the number of accounts that are actively selecting one or more channels over time. Use this report to see the adoption of channels and to evaluate recruitment programs.

Weekly Digest and Partner Communications Summary

This report provides statistics associated with the weekly email digest mailings and other email communications that are sent to platform users over the selected time period. This includes common email metrics such as Delivered, Opened, Clicked, and Bounced.

Weekly Digest and Partner Communications Growth

This chart shows how mailing metrics related to the weekly email digests trend over the selected time period.

Reporting Glossary

When working with reports you will find various data points. The following provides a list of the commonly used data points and what they mean.

Licensed Accounts

This is the total number of accounts that have been created within the selected instance(s). When filtering by channel, this is the number of accounts that have selected the channel(s).

Launched Accounts

An account is considered Launched when a user has signed in to the account at least once at any time. When filtering by channel, this is the number of accounts that have signed in and selected the channel(s).

Active Accounts

An account is considered active if a user has signed into the account or has published or downloaded an item from the dashboard within the selected date range. In most cases, the default will be activity measured within the period of a calendar month. When filtering by channel, this is the number accounts that have signed in and selected the channel(s) OR have published or downloaded content assigned to the channel(s) in the dashboard.

Three Month Active Accounts

These are accounts that have been active within the last three calendar months. They have signed into the account or published/downloaded an item within a 90 day period.

Six Month Active Accounts

These are accounts that have been active within the last six calendar months.

Engaged Accounts

An engaged account has published or downloaded content from the dashboard within the provided date range. When filtering by channel, this is the number of accounts that have published or downloaded content assigned to the channel(s) in the dashboard.

Licensed Accounts Added

This is the number of new accounts created within the selected instance(s) during each period.

Posted Items

This is the number of Content Items that have been published or downloaded from the partner dashboard within the selected instance(s) and channel(s) during each period.


The impression count is the total potential audience for the items posted by partners within the selected instance(s) and channel(s) during each calendar month or week. This total is calculated by adding up the follower count from each social network or email list to which items have been posted during each period.


This is the total number of clicks that have been received from partner posts on social media and blogs within the selected instance(s) and channel(s) during each period.

Email Clicks

This is the total number of clicks that have been received from partners sending email from the selected instance(s) or channel(s) during each period.


This is the number of times followers have liked content posted to Facebook from the selected instance(s) and channel(s) within each period.


Followers are the friends or contacts associated with the social or email networks to which partners are publishing content from selected instance(s) and channel(s) each period.

Level 4 Leads

This is the number of leads captured through Build Your List forms during each period.

Email Digest Reports

Recipients – This is the total number of users from active accounts to whom the email is being sent.
Delivered – This is the number of users who should have received the email.
Opens – This is the number of unique users who we are able to detect as having opened the email.
Clicks – The number of unique users clicking on a link in the email.
Dropped – These users have previously bounced and will not receive additional email
Bounced – This is the number of user emails that have bounced and were not delivered.
Unsubscribed – This is the number of users that have opted-out and do not want to receive further emails.
Spam – This is the number of spam complaints received for the mailing.